We all enter our colleges hoping and dreaming that once we finish our education, may we land our dream job. If not the dream job then at least we should have a job that is closely related to our dream job and will eventually help us to get our dream job. But there are some questions, I want you to ask yourself. Is just a degree enough for me to get me a job I have dreamt of? Will I be able to develop all the skills required for the job I wish by restricting myself on the college campus only? Is the job that I want to get, really the job of my dreams or I want to get it only because people say that I will be earning good money after I land myself that job?
The answer to all these questions is only one, get yourself an internship. Test the water before you really dive deep into it. Doing internships in the domain you wish to build your career will give you a clear perspective and an edge in your career. Also it will help you decide that if you actually want to pursue a career in that domain or not.
So, why internships are important? I will try to answer this question in the following points:
1. Application of your education:
Internships are a great way to apply the knowledge from the classroom to real-world experience. Learning is one thing but when we do an internship, we are able to polish the skills we have acquired and applying those skills into the workforce is a great way to explore the specialization we have chosen for ourselves,
2. Gain experience:
Having an internship provides you an experience in the career domain you want to pursue. Not only this gives you an edge over other candidates when applying for a job, it also prepares you in terms of what to expect when you get selected for a job in that domain and boosts up your confidence because you already have experience in that domain.
3. Build networks:
Having an internship benefits you in the working environment, and helps you build your professional network. Internship is a great opportunity to meet the professionals in the career field you want to pursue. It also helps you to get connected with other interns who have similar interests. A good professional network will help you a lot in your career in the future.
4. Improvement of soft skills:
Internships can provide students with the soft skills needed in a workplace and in leadership positions. According to a LinkedIn Skills Report (2018), 57% of people rated soft skills as being more important than technical skills. (If you want to improve your soft skills, you don’t have to worry because Brainy Bunch is here to your rescue).
5. Explore your interests:
There is a famous quote, “Figuring out what type of job you don’t want while you are interning can help you prevent from accepting an ill-fitting job when you graduate.” I will give you an example; I hope all of you know about Chandler from our favorite American sitcom F.R.I.E.N.D.S. During season 9, he realizes that he was the only one in his group who was not passionate about the job he was doing and as a result he quits his job. He starts his career again as copywriting intern in a company ,finds it interesting and eventually gets a job in that company as a junior copywriter after successful completion of his internship. When you will do an internship in a particular domain, it will help you figure out whether you actually want to pursue that as a career in long term or not. So, it will help you decide and explore your interests.
So, what are you waiting for now, gear yourself up and start looking for an internship in the area your interest lies. If you have a trouble in deciding where to start from, then we have got you covered because Brainy Bunch is hiring interns. So what are you waiting for, start applying.
I would like to end this article with my favorite quote about internships, “I hope your internship lands you the affair of your dreams”.
Hope this article was insightful. Stay tuned for more.