Brainy Bunch
4 min readJun 16, 2021

In order to address the never ending argument about unpaid internship, it is necessary to know what it means. Unpaid internship is where an intern is supposed to work without any stipend or salary to support oneself. It is different from volunteer work. The debate of whether unpaid internship is worth taking up has led to rigorous discussions. Whereas it is an excellent source of gaining work experience, on the other hand it often leads to exploitation of interns. Unpaid internships have widely been perceived as “corporate slavery”.

But before a student can reach any conclusion, its merits and demerits should be gauged. Accordingly, one can decide if he or she wants to proceed.

Legality of an unpaid internship:-

A question that has recently come forth, considering the abuse and exploitation in the name of unpaid internships, is its legality. The US Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour division outlines six conditions or criteria that should be followed for an unpaid internship to be legal.

· An internship, in spite of being practical operation of the facilities of the employer, must be “similar to training which would be given in an educational environment”.

· The intern does not replace or displace regular employees, but works under the supervision of existing staff.

· The internship is given for the benefit of the intern. “Benefit” is broadly defined, but can include teaching and learning new skills relevant to the intern’s profession, imparting relevant knowledge, completing self-directed projects in a real world setting, and earning college credit toward the intern’s graduation or degree requirements.

· The employer “derives no immediate advantage from the activities of the intern; and on occasion its operations may actually be impeded.”

· The intern is not automatically entitled to a paid position at the conclusion of the internship.

· The intern and employer mutually agree that the intern is not to be paid for the duration of the internship.

The profit companies which do not abide by these six rules violates the minimum wage laws.

However, there are no such laws in India, covering the rights of interns. It continues to remain an unregulated sector neither covered under the Industrial Employment Act 1946 nor Minimum Wages Act 1948. The lack of any framework for their working hours paves way to an intern being a victim of exploitation by profit seeking companies.

Merits and Demerits of an unpaid internship:-

Before a student chooses to engage one’s time in an unpaid internship, it is essential to study and understand its merits and demerits.


§ Firstly, and perhaps the most pragmatic benefit of an unpaid internship is that it is a great way to enter the professional world, build a network in the field of one’s interest, learn skills and receive recommendations for future jobs.

§ For many students, who could not get a paid internship, this is their only source of work experience. In certain fields, it is difficult to get a paid internship.

§ For beginners, unpaid internship is the best way to start. There is lesser work stress as it is unpaid. The employers’ expectations are less rigid, thus, creating the interns’ experiences more learning oriented.

§ The power of internship in the job market is undeniable, be it paid or unpaid. Through, internships students meet new people and multiple career avenues open up.

§ Also, an unpaid internship is easier to get. The non-profit sector is full of these internship opportunities.

§ They give a valuable work experience that enhances your resume. Companies look for experience in complement to educational degrees.

§ Unpaid internships also add course credit in certain universities.


§ The biggest drawback, obviously, has to be the no salary. For many, devoting hours of one’s day to a non paying job can be difficult for some, who are involved in other works simultaneously, or full time students.

§ Unpaid internships are profession centric, i.e., they are more common in non profit sectors. In profit sectors, they are common at smaller companies or start ups.

§ The most prevalent topic of mass discussion and the most problematic con is its dehumanizing nature. Though, internships are supposed to be a learning experience outside classroom, but often this basic idea is abused by certain companies.

§ According to a student survey by National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE), class of 2015, approximately 44% of students who worked as unpaid interns received job offers, whereas it is 72% for the paid interns. Their starting salaries are also significantly lower than the ones with paid internships.


Choosing to devote your time in an unpaid internship is, to a great extent, subjective. It depends on your mindset, financial condition and life goals. Keeping in mind the above mentioned pros and cons, you can decide if the pros weigh out the cons, or vice versa. It is you, who have to consider certain aspects like- if you have the time and energy to employ in the internship; how much is it affecting your current financial condition; if your goals are being met by the job; whether it is adding value to your resume, and so on. After your necessary research and introspection, it is your choice.



Brainy Bunch
Brainy Bunch

Written by Brainy Bunch

Brainy Bunch is an initiative for training and development of students by interaction sessions, knowledge sharing, group activities and much more.

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