Brainy Bunch
2 min readJan 6, 2021

— By Chaitanya Tripathi

Member of Brainy Bunch

In today’s scenario when we are all at home we tend to attend lot of webinars, workshops, meetings, etc. even though we try to note important points down but either we forget in which diary we wrote or where did we place it. The chaos start from student life to an adult matured person even. We are all multitaskers these days, at moment try to complete more than 2 workloads, don’t you?

Our new information is stored in the short-term memory, just like RAM in computers storing information for temporary use. If we don’t repeat or use it you tend to forget it at quick pace. We need to change the style of learning at this hour. We focus on input which turns in shallow learning rather than we should focus on output it turns in deep learning .

So here are some quick tips for you all


1. LEARN (Learn what you can implement in your today’s life )


2 REFLECT (After you learn something , pause for a while and ask yourself .

What you can take from this and how you can use it .)

3 IMPLEMENT (After knowing start implementing it .)

4 SHARE (Do share and discuss it with others .)

This seems to be a secret but let’s me share this with you “Secret of memorising is not to keep learning but using what you learnt.” Because you know right sharing is caring and learning.

At last

If you spend x amount on learning something .

Spend atleast 2x amount on output of that.

Brainy Bunch
Brainy Bunch

Written by Brainy Bunch

Brainy Bunch is an initiative for training and development of students by interaction sessions, knowledge sharing, group activities and much more.

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